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Re: where do your turtles sleep?

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Posted by turtlecrazed on April 12, 2003 at 09:44:36:

In Reply to: where do your turtles sleep? posted by kiwiturtle on April 12, 2003 at 01:42:58:

:My baby RES's always sleep partially, if not entirely, underwater, even though there's a large dry area available. Is that normal? During the daytime they do use the dry area (a plastic platform + ramp that I made) for basking, so I know they don't have a problem getting on there.

Yes, this is completely normal. Instinctively, turtles know that sleeping out of the water makes them vulnerable to predators. Your little guys don't know the difference between being wild or captive, so instinct has not shut off. In the wild you would never catch an aquatic turtle (a healthy one anyhow) sleeping on land unless they are basking which is done generally in groups (safety in numbers) and veryyy warily.

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