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Re: Babies and China town

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Posted by maggie on April 10, 2003 at 21:38:06:

In Reply to: Babies and China town posted by Dillon4203 on April 10, 2003 at 18:24:38:

Your baby's diet sounds pretty decent. To improve, you may want to add vegetables you can start with soft boiled carrot slices, inexpensive aquatic plants such as anacharis and leafy greens. Although baby turtles consume mostly protein rich foods its best to start "training" to recognize plant matter as food.

The set up sounds good but I noticed that you didn't mention an underwater/submersible heater. Warm water in the range of 72-75 degrees will encourage your turtle's digestion and growth.

Chinatown is a label for ethnic enclaves which exist in many major cities here in the U.S. For example Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and Chicago all have Chinatowns. It is also where turtles are consumed by humans and where many people purchase and sell baby turtles illegally. Not all Chinese people eat turtles in fact while I was in China and THailand I visited countless temples and their turtle sanctuary ponds. Not all Chinatowns are filled with Chinese either in fact many of these ethnic enclaves are filled with various Asians.

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