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More FWC breeding questions...

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Posted by Nightflight99 on May 18, 2003 at 23:36:23:

In Reply to: More FWC breeding questions... posted by Sybella on May 18, 2003 at 01:54:15:

Hi again, Sybella! :)

I understand that they don't mate on a schedule like most snakes do...can't I just leave them together?

Sure, you could. Some snakes seem to produce more readily if they are kept separately for all but breeding season. At the same time, there is more than one school of thought on that subject. I have found that Hydrodynastes gigas will readily produce, even if kept together all year around, provided that the husbandry conditions are adequate.

I also have a second female that's the same size he is. Would it hurt to throw her in and let the three of them cohabitate? (Not at feeding time, of course! LOL!) Or do they take more interest in a "partner" if the partner isn't around all the time?

It would probably require a decade of research involving a large breeding colony as a sample size to determine which method would be more productive. Personally, I think that either method will prove successful, provided that the appropriate environmental factors are provided accordingly.

They've only been together for about 18 hours so far...How soon should courtship commence normally? Doesn't it depend on if she is ready?

False water cobras usually mate between March - June, and will do so quite readily during that time. It is recommendable to leave them together after placing them together. The male will eventually begin courting the female, which may appear as a wild chase through the vivarium. Once the female is ready, she will allow for copulation, which may be prolonged and occur numerous times over several weeks.

Wow! 9 feet...LOL! Part of the reason I like these guys is that they don't get so darn big! I have a 14 foot retic that is way too big for me to hold now. :)

Yes, these snakes get very large and rather massive as well. Big adult specimens are an impressive sight, especially in feeding mode :)



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