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FWC-minimum breeding size??

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Posted by Sybella on May 08, 2003 at 23:57:23:

In Reply to: FWC-minimum breeding size?? posted by Chance on May 08, 2003 at 22:59:05:

Yes, Chance. She's great!!! Still a total doll. She's going to shed now and looks dead but stil not one sign of aggression. I love her to pieces!! I have 7 snakes and I could easily part with any of them but her and my retic. :)

That's good news about her size...I have a male coming on Tuesday. Hopefully, they'll love eachother. ;)

About mating...I've heard that they mate 2 to 3 times a year, whenever they want and not on any particular seasonal schedule. Have you found this to be the case with yours? Also, how many do they normally have?

::How big do theseguys need to be? Is 59 inch female too small? What's the minimum size for the male? Thanks!!

:Hey Sybella. Your FWC doing well? Hmm, I'd say 59" is plenty large enough for a female FWC to be of breedable size. The male can be smaller, as in most cases, but I'd wait until he is at least 3.5 to 4' and has some good thickness. My pair are both around 5.5 to 6'.


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