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Re: Garder Snakes (venom) ?C

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Posted by snakeguy88 on March 21, 2003 at 12:57:20:

In Reply to: Re: Garder Snakes (venom) ?C posted by WW on March 21, 2003 at 03:02:41:

I agree. I, once, wanted to see what would happen if I let a Thamnophis chew on me. My choice was the Western Ribbon snake. I let the small guy chew and chew. You could definitely see there were some enlarged rear teeth. After about 5 min, the bite began to itch and swell up. After about 30 min, nothing was even there anymore, other than the actual bite itself. I have some pics of the bite if you want them. Overall, the bite was not much different than their natricine counterparts, Nerodia. The itching is fairly concurrent with Nerodia bites as well as the small amount of swelling. They definitely do have something in their saliva, as well, that causes the blood to flow more freely, some sort of anticoagulant I suppose. Andy

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