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Re: About Mangrove Snakes

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Posted by ABSTRACT on March 07, 2003 at 15:46:45:

In Reply to: About Mangrove Snakes posted by 4m4t3ui2 on March 07, 2003 at 10:11:50:

:Does anyone here know or heard anything about Mangrove snake before?
:I saw one at a pet shop and asked the owner about it and he told me it was a snake with little poison that can barely harm human. It was black in color and have yellow stripe on the sides.
:I do some research on it and found some says that the mangrove snake is dangerous to human while other sites regard this snake to be weakly poisonous. Im a beginner in snakes but is keen on buying this mangrove that caught my eyes.
:I would like to know if this is a safe pet to handle(this snake is captive-bred and is quite tame). Also would like to find out whether it requires humidity and heat.
:Can anyone out there with or without a mangrove snake kindly help me out? thanks

uhm let's see i'm not the one to get on people's cases about hot snake's but the vibe i get is that your not ready for a mangrove snake,i've owned 4 mangroves in the past first of all they can be a pain in the ass to get to eat alot
of patience and love my friend,second of all they can be very aggressive i've noticed that male's are more aggressive.
then come the venom part usually yeah there considered mildly venomous to man but you never know how your gonna react to one envenomation and even so a bite can be very painful.
as far as captive stuff they need high humidity tall cage's with a basking light vine's,you know give it a jungle look and your set.
there nocturnal so they snooze in the day,good luck if you get one.

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