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documented copulation a.prasina

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Posted by corallus1 on February 17, 2003 at 06:27:56:

Hi, I just started with this species. I optained a trio wildcaught specimens. They where all in bad parasite infested state and very dehydrated. I had feeding problems with one of the large females (1.80m in length)but she unfortunately died. The remaining pair ate well from the beginning, so i decided to start a gecko farm to supply food for them. I have had them now for half a year and they are doing well. So well that two weeks ago they mated. I will post some pics in the future!! I do not know what I did to make this happen??? I can only tell you about there enclosure and the temp regime I have. They where doing the deed for at least half an hour!!! Temp at which: 27-28C and humidity 65%. The enclosure is made of wood with only the front some glass. I filled it with loads of plants. I need to look hard to find them in there!!. As lighting I use UV-lighting. They are a day-active species so I believe they absolutely need this. They breeded a couple of weeks after I placed the UV lighting. Who knows?? I feed the larger female about two fat geckos a week and the male only one. He's is about half here size. I know it is not alot to go on, but it sure is a piece of the puzzle. Pics will be on internet soon!!

Ps does somebody know what the gestation period is for these snakes??

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