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Posted by snakeskin on December 30, 2002 at 06:06:03:

In Reply to: Re: I dont post for help much but I need info on Chrysopelea(sp? posted by snakeguy88 on December 29, 2002 at 17:17:10:

:Thanks that helps a lot. What rubbermaid do you have and what size is the cage that you are building? Since it is just after christmas and I am loaded with money, I was thinking about building a nice cage...something of high calliber. Thanks a ton! Andy

The Rubbermaid is aproxx. 30 Centimeters long, and 20 high and wide. The snake is about 50 centimeters long, and as this as spaghetti (there are holes drilled in the sides of only a few millimetres (very small heads, any bigger holes and he'd go right trough them)
The box if filled with a thick layer of orchid-bark, and a water bowl (a cut-up cricket container) is places on top of the heating cable which runs under the box

The cage we're building is a full-glass display, just a basic vivarium set up, however, we use only one sliding door
(an entire slate of glass) and the top is open...

This open top allows you to place branches in the viv that are really tight fitting. after the branches are put in we close it with a hood like on a normal fish aquarium, only now filled with a fluorecent tube and 2 heat lamps, this is separated from the interior of the viv bij a fine metal mesh (the one used to keep flies outside the house)

The viv will be placed in my snake room soon, all my other snakes are housed in wooden vivariums with sliding glass doors, but i'm afraid the Chryso would sqeeze right through them)

Cheers, and if you need more info just ask


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