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Live birth...

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Posted by Nicolai on October 25, 2002 at 02:55:51:

In Reply to: Re: Holy crap! Read this and help! posted by Daniel J on October 16, 2002 at 10:31:48:

Hi. I Have had 2 females that has given birth to respectivly 10 and 5 newborns so I can testfy that A. prasina does not lay eggs.
Best regards

:I'm not 100% on this, but I faintly remember that Henry, I think it was Henry who's one here every now and then, got a female that was pregnant and it had live birth. If that's the case, then it eliminates that it was a snake egg.

::I know this is a long shot, but could the snake have eaten an egg either laid by one their anoles or by another one of the snakes (I'm just assuming they are being kept together). I doubt this species would consume the eggs of its friends or even its own, but it's a thought.... I know for a fact that there is no snake that reproduces by laying eggs out of their digestive system (it would be impossible to pass the egg through the stomach without digesting it). Interesting situation though...I'm sure many other people would be interested to see exatly what this thing is. Put it into a bag and freeze it, that way it won't go bad before you can take it and the snake to a vet and have it checked out. I once had a juvie atrox that regurgitated a mouse and upon first seeing it it looked very much like an egg, though I thought well impossible because they can't do that, he was a he and too young, and besides, N.A. pit vipers don't lay Anyway, post a pic and let us know.


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