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Re: contemplation on FWC purchase

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Posted by Chance on September 06, 2002 at 08:14:52:

In Reply to: contemplation on FWC purchase posted by hassanblacktail on September 05, 2002 at 23:32:40:

:I've read mostly in every ad that their stock is completely tame including the parents.

My breeder pair are "completely tame" as well, if you can really ever apply those terms to a snake. They won't bite, and will allow me to clean in and around their cage, as well as handle them if needed. As a general rule though, this species doesn't particularly care for being lifted off the ground. I guess it makes them feel too insecure. They tend to wobble about and press their heads against an arm or hand (than can be unnerving, especially if you don't trust the snake and think it may be trying to bite). However, any and all of what I just said goes right out the window when it comes to feeding time. These are the most aggressive feeders I have ever seen. Since I house my pair together, I have to separate them for feeding, and the wait a while before I put them back together. I made a mistake and introduced them too early when I first had them, and the male latched onto the female's head in attempts to eat her. I'm telling you this for a fact, when they are feeding, anything (including a hand, shoe, arm, etc) is fair game. Feed pre-killed, as they are so incredibly aggressive anyway and also have to chew a good deal to subdue a mouse. Never try to handle one, no matter how large the animal, just after it has fed or even if you have mouse scent (or the scent of whatever they are used to eating) on your hands or arms. But yes, these snakes can be incredibly placid. But if you don't keep you wits about you, you might find out just how severe a simple bite from one of these could be if they are in feeding mode. They tend to chomp ahold and chew like made, while tearing at the flesh. Not fun..not fun...

:I also would like to know if their venom is really harmless to humans(me honestly, I'm not alergic to bee stings,etc.). Thanx

I've heard about their venom being comparable to that of C. horridus (timber rattlesnake). However, the FWC produces MUCH smaller amounts. That's not to say that you won't have a reaction to it. Most likely you'll never receive a bite, but if you do and are unfortunate (or stupid) enough to let the snake chew and envenomate, you may experience local reactions, like swelling, and also may find yourself slightly nausiated with a good-sized headache.

These animals aren't for the faint of heart. They get HUGE (if you've never seen a fully grown adult you'll just have no idea until you do, some hitting the 8-9' mark) and therefore require a large enclosure. They need a large water bowl and will spend lots of time soaking in this, so you hardly ever have to worry about a stuck shed. And again I'll reiterate, their feeding responce is just something else... Well, I hope this helped you in some way. If there is anything else you'd like to know shoot me an e-mail.

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