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Sunds like you're hooked like . . .>

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Posted by terryp on February 04, 2003 at 15:34:06:

In Reply to: Re: Look at his head. What do you . . .> posted by hotshot on February 04, 2003 at 14:42:36:

the rest of us Brian. LOL. I think you're right on what the Texas rat snake is thinking. LOL. Have you started thinking of that snake room to build yet? HaHa. My wife says that 4 years ago I said "I'm only getting one snake dear". I think at the time it was true too. Ask Dwight to see a pic of his axanthic Texas rat snake. Maybe you'll be able to see him if you see his snake room sometime. It's weird, but it doesn't sound that nice (axanthic Texas rat snake), but its a sweet looking snake. IMHO

: To be honest, looking at his demeanor, I would say he is thinking "yeah, go ahead put your hand down here, closer,.... closer....." LOL And the musk, I have never had the liberty of handling a texas rat. But I do like the colors of this one!! Man, so many snakes, so little room!! And Im just talking about ratsnakes!! Then there are the Kings, and the corns...... LOL

::think is going through that Texas mind of his? LOL. Brian, the captive bred Texas rat snakes have a lot better temperament as opposed to the 4 w/c Texas rat snakes I now have in my collection. Outside of this big female w/c Texan, the others have settle down nicely. Actually, the pair of Guthrie, KY F1 offspring are nippier than any of my Texans. It took me awhile to get the nack for picking up my w/c Texans. I think the fact that I wanted and like these Texans so much that "where there's a will there's a way". To tell you the truth, the only thing I haven't gotten used to yet, is the Texas musk. Those w/c Texans CAN musk. LOL. Dwight Good, Travis Grasha, and several others are working on some very nice Texas rat snake morphs. I'm definatley going to be picking up some more Texans in the future. Thanks for the inquiry Brian and Good Luck.

::: That is one nice looking texas rat! Love those colors!!! How is the temperament? Typical texas?

::::orange morph Texas rat. I obtained a pair from Adam Song. Like the yellows, this may be their first breeding year.






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