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Re: Ah, the pigeon parallel strikes again!

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Posted by Paul Hollander on February 01, 2003 at 14:48:07:

In Reply to: Ah, the pigeon parallel strikes again! posted by Shanty on February 01, 2003 at 09:26:45:

:Paul -- thanks for offering up the "pigeon parallel" in brindle black rat snakes. Although I do not breed this species, I am interested in all things remotely related to snake genetics. All this while being terribly deficient in snake inheritance. That's why I am interested; I am curious and this helps me reduce some of that deficiency.

:Recently I offered a similar "pigeon parallel" to Corn snake breders with regard to anery A and lavender genes. The breeders who have bred these genes together are getting results that don't fit the Monk's ratios. Some strange things going on in Corn snake breeding. My feeble mind offered up the "smooth" vs "coarse" melanin "pigeon parallel." Having sold Bechtel's book a few years ago, I don't have that reference in hand to see how the melanin in snakes is built up--simple layers or more complex layers. I don't know if snake melanin can even clump in a coarse fashion.

I haven't heard word one about unusual ratios with anerythristic and lavender. Any info you can give me would be welcome. First thing I'd be checking is the possibility of allelism. Second would be linkage.

:If it can then Corn breeders might have another "pigeon parallel" to look to in order to understand these breeding reults. Example--anery A might be a "coarse" melanin; lavender might be a "smooth" version or vice versa.

It's been over a year since I cracked Bechtel's book, but I don't remember anything like coarse and smooth melanin. Not impossible, but I just don't know.

:Since your father was the one who developed this notion in pigeons, how is Willard? Hope all is well in Iowa.

He and I have both battled disease this winter, but not at the same time, fortunately. We're both feeling much better, now.

Paul Hollander

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