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Posted by terryp on January 25, 2003 at 22:31:21:

In Reply to: what does IMHO mean? posted by blue_beauty on January 25, 2003 at 16:24:36:

:Terryp in your post you stated "Don't pick up one Asian species for your collection and all the rest are North American. IMHO." Why cant I have Asians and North Americans? I have a flav flav, some corns, an Eastern hog and a boa along with several blue beauties. Whats wrong with that? I dont think you should just be limited to "Asians" or "North AMerican" snakes, you can if you want but I love them all. And what does IMHO mean? Regards, Alex

with having Asians and North American ratsnakes Alex. I think that if you have all North American rat snakes and you're thinking of getting an Asian; then you should consider getting a few other Asians to go with it in the future. Looking at the list of snakes you provided; I would go with an Asian to enhance having the blues. Just my opinion. I have a pair of breeder climacs brumating right now and I'm partial to climacs. So go with the climacs. lol. Any plans to breed? The first Asian rat snake I obtained was a pair of C. China diones. I thought if I liked the diones then I would go for some more Asians. If I didn't feel comfortable with them; then I would get rid of them and not pursue The Asians for awhile. Honestly, I think the diones are at or near the top of the Asians to start with in your collection. In My Humble Opinion. They are good eaters and hardy snakes. I realize this fits the bill on several other Asians as well. Good luck Alex

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