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If you live in Washington State, this may interest you...

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Posted by Lyle on October 13, 2001 at 08:31:07:

I am contacting as many Washington State herpers as I can (all three of you!) to get them involved in my efforts to have WAC 232-12-064 repealed. WAC 232-12-064 is a law that prohibits the possession of native wildlife in Washington State. I don't believe this law treats us fairly so I will do what I can to change it. I have no experience doing anything like this so I'm not sure exactly what steps need to be taken. I have emailed the WDFW to ask them what I need to do, they usually take a few weeks to reply to my emails.

If you would like to help (even if that just means writing letters to commissioners), email me.

I'm currently constructing a website to keep people informed, but it won't be ready for a week or so. It's the first site I've ever made, so it really sucks.

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