Holy Heavens! Am I dreaming?!? A Coluber/Masticoph. Forum?
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Posted by Matt on June 17, 2000 at 12:46:56:
Wow! I never dreamed such a thing could exist! Very cool, indeed! I have been into herps since I was 2 1/2, when I caught my first Garter snake, hehe; I'm glad it didn't bite! I am now 31, and have owned MANY different snakes in my day, but NONE of them came even CLOSE to being as great as a CH Everglades Racer that I stumbled upon at a rep show in Ohio. He was the most personable and (dare I say it) intelligent snake; incredible! He met his unfortunate demise when I left him in the care of my roommates for 2 weeks; they forgot to give him water, and that was that. Well, I have been on a search for a CB/CH Racer or Coachwhip ever since then (CB would be best, but I tend to doubt anyone actually captive-breeds these incredible snakes; do they?), and have met with almost ZERO success (Glades herp hatched out some S. B. Racers, but I decided to "hold out" for a bit, as the Black Racers are "lowest" on my desireable list, hehe); I'm really hoping at this point more for a Coachwhip, but I'm learning one can't be too choosy when it comes to such matters! OK, my apologies to anyone that read all this rambling, hehe; I shall proceed now to place another Message inquiring directly about the CB/CH situation. Glad to have found this Forum; what a shock! Peace... Matt
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