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Posted by BrianSmith on May 13, 2003 at 19:19:29:

In Reply to: Burmese questions asked 1000 time posted by VoodooDragon on May 13, 2003 at 15:37:37:

While I like the basic concept of the cookie cutter, "1 square foot of cage per foot of snake" notion, I think one aspect should not be ignored and this system should be slightly altered as a result. As a python grows in length it's actual body mass does not increase in equal proportions. What I'm trying to say is that when a burmese doubles in length, it's actual body mass increases 8 to 12 fold. Case in point,... a 6 foot burmese may be 10 pounds, while a 12 foot burmese will usually be about 100 pounds. (twice as long, but ten times the bulk) And this "mass" requires space,.. not so much the length. So since the snake's mass grows geometrically larger as the snake lengthens,. so should the sq footage of cage to increment of length. Maybe a "plus length" system would work in this capacity.

Like a 2 foot hatchling = 2 square foot cage as a base size.

4 foot juvie = 4 sq ft + 4 additional feet for length = 8 sq ft total = 4' x 2' cage.

8 foot subadult= 8 sq ft + 8 additional feet for length = 16 sq ft total = 2 1/2' x 6 1/2' cage.

16 foot full adult= 16 sq ft + 16 additional feet for length = 32 sq ft total = 4' x 8' cage.

20 foot massive female = 20 sq ft + 20 additional feet for length = 40 sq ft total = 4' x 10' cage.

Damn,. this little practice scenario turned out more perfect than I would have ever hoped for. lol. I welcome all thoughts on this concept.

:Here's the rule I live by: one square foot of floor space per foot length of snake. So, an 18ft Burm would need, like, a 9x3 cage. Or two 6ft snakes, housed together, would need a 4x3 enclosure, or something of the like.

:I NEVER feed my snakes in the cage - I've heard stuff about them becoming aggressive feeders, getting substrate impacted, etc. I figure, better safe than sorry.

:: I guess caging size would be a question, I've read many varying opinions. Will a 8X3 be adequate for an adult female? is Neodeasha still in business, my current boa cages are Visions.

:: I noticed everyone seems to feed in their enclosure, my boas eat in a separate container. Obviously you don't want a huge snake still in feed mode when you think its time to put her back.


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