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Nice pics! A question........

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Posted by AnthonyCaponetto on May 12, 2003 at 23:10:24:

In Reply to: Nice pics! A question........ posted by UrgentMike on May 12, 2003 at 18:35:56:

First off, you know who I think you are, but I'm not going to get hung up on that. If you'll be cool from here on out, so will I.

That's a Moluccan Scrub (Morelia clastolepis) which is a different subspecies than Barnecks, Southerns, etc.

Temperament - I like to compare them to Retics. They can be anywhere from super tame, to a total demon. It totally depends on the animal. All Moluccans on the market right now are WC, so the younger you get them, the better.

Color - These do tend to get fairly yellow, but they typically aren't quite this bright from what I've seen. I'm not saying that to "toot my own horn" either...I got him as a little brick red baby, so this was just another of my lucky grabs. Yasser has the best adult Moluccan I've ever seen (Ian is his name), so you may want to check out

:How is their temperament? I have heard bad things about scrubs in the past. Are all of them that yellow? Most of the scrubs I've seen have been dull. Great snake, though!

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