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Posted by bhijgemann on May 07, 2003 at 13:41:11:

In Reply to: Boelens Babies posted by Brandon Osborne on May 07, 2003 at 12:12:56:

:As far as I know, there have never been any CAPTIVE BRED Boelen's pythons in captivity. Most are from imported gravid females or wild caught juviniles. There were a few more imported a few months ago, which drove the prices up to around $3000 ea, but I think it will be some time before we see these available in any small numbers. I know there are several people working very hard to produce these beauties, and hopefully they will have some success. There is a website dedicated to Boelen's, but I can't remember the address. I hope this helps.

:Brandon Osborne

:: No one has really brought boelens up on here in awhile. And all the old posts talk of them dieing. Or costing thousands and thousands of dollars. But I remember Xtreme Reptiles having them last year for 1200 dollars for babies he had them for the longest time. I even looked at them at the Raleigh Show the year he was selling them. But I have not heard anything else. Are they becoming available CB again or was this a fluke. Any industry inside info on this would be appreciated.


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