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Which information has your panties in such a bunch?

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Posted by koofaloofa on May 05, 2003 at 14:38:13:

In Reply to: Which information has your panties in such a bunch? posted by Chris Carmichael on May 05, 2003 at 10:40:21:

First, the term "panties in such a bunch" is juvenile, and serves no purpose.

Second, the site's iguana info is generally regarded as being decent, even by MK's detractors.

Third, there are MANY pieces of information which are simply inaccurate on her site. If all you've read are the iguana care pages, then you'd probably be better served by educating yourself before making rude comments to the originator of this thread.

I won't enumerate the errors, (though there are plenty of basic things wrong with her care sheets, which she has been informed of repeatedly by the herp community and not corrected) because it would be a huge waste of time considering this thread will in all likelihood be deleted anyway.

:What "bad" information were you referring to? The few bits of info I have gleaned from her site (mainly for iguanas) actually was quite helpful. Not trying to endorse her site, but I can also think of plenty of "bad" info being disseminated on this site, which has not been deleted. Her site is free last I knew, and probably took (and continues to do so) her quite a while to set up for everybody's use, so perhaps you could specifically "correct" what it is that you think is wrong with it, and that has important ramifications to the herp industry by presenting misleading information, and maybe Melissa (or whoever runs her website) would appreciate the advice and update as necessary. I also get frustrated with information that is outright false or unsubstantiated or incorrect or misleading (which bunches my grunds as well), but I also try to specify the issue and put forth a detailed explanation of refutation and support for my position. Just the usual two cents worth of advice.

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