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Re Heat Mats

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Posted by jfmoore on May 05, 2003 at 12:23:07:

In Reply to: Kestrel, a few questions... posted by AmyG on May 05, 2003 at 07:05:26:

If you specifically want floor heat inside your wooden cage, see Kane or Stanfield heat mats. Both have been used for many years for herps; their primary market was the livestock industry. So I guess they had to be able to stand up to little piglets peeing on them. However, I doubt you’ll find the word “waterproof” in any of their literature. I believe this would have very particular legal requirements and ramifications. At any rate, you must use a temperature controller with either manufacturer's products.

:I saw the radiant heat panels, but there was no brand name on them, is that what you meant?
: What about the Kane heat mats, it says you can use them inside and out. Is this true? Can I put one inside the cage, cover it with tons of bedding (newspaper) and if the snake spills his water, not worry about electrocution?
:AHHH! I don't know if I am conveying my message clearly. You say to use the radiant heat panels... but where? I want floor heat. Emitting from the bottom of the cage, but the wood is too thick to put under the cage, it looks like 3/4 inch plywood.
: I want to put the heating element inside the cage on the floor of the cage without the possibility of hurting my snake, so no water can get to it... maybe I am not saying this right...
:God... I am so sorry for being difficult...

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