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Didn't you get rid of your #1? n/p

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Posted by JakeM on May 02, 2003 at 20:33:24:

In Reply to: Here goes... posted by Yasser on May 02, 2003 at 19:55:39:

: I often urge folks to get into the species they genuinely have an interest in...not because it pays big bucks or is the next cool morph. Coming from that background, we veered off quite hard several years ago when we hit a fork in the road called Scrubs. I have never been so pleased and completely gratified by my work with any other species I have ever come into contact with...from colubrids to hots to boids to lizards.
:It really feels great when you hatch out babies from a species you haven't been able to see as babies becuase they simply don't exist. THAT is what fuels me...finding out the answers to the questions that have yet to be answered. I feel a sense of accomplishment even though I haven't really answered any of the best questions to ask. Try to breed Boelens or Lesser Sundas Pythons and learn every frickin' detail about them. Better yet, try to import more Halmahera Pythons, herpetoculture could use more anyday. To top that, try to hatch Halmas and learn everything there is to know about them too. Screw the market. With that said, here's my picks.

:1)Halmahera Pythons (closest living relative to the Boelens)
:2)Australian Scrub Python (the big daddy to all scrubs)
:3)Boelens (the other scrub)
:4)Oenpelli Pythons (in my dreams)
:5)Moluccan Pythons
:6)Barneck Scrub Pythons
:7)Lesser Sundas Pythons aka Timor Pythons
:8)Jamaican Boas (I's a boa)
:9)Aru Scrubs
:10)Bismarck archipelago Scrub python (Again, in my dreams)


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