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PLEASE RESPOND! Python market research. Need your imput!

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Posted by Mardy on May 02, 2003 at 19:47:18:

In Reply to: PLEASE RESPOND! Python market research. Need your imput! posted by BrianSmith on May 02, 2003 at 19:04:37:

Here are mine in no real order.

1.Blackhead pythons- I have had these as number one for ever..coolest snake.
2.Boelens python- I love all morelia, and he's king of that jungle. Plus the breeding challenges.
3.Rough scale python- intriguing, very rare, morelia.
4.Bredl carpets- they are just so beautiful, and a great size.
5.Anthills- Tiny giants very cool.
6.Being able to get TRUE legal Australian locale coastal carpets.
7.various scrubs- those crazy heads knock me out, I like the breeding challenges in scrubs.
8.Diamond pythons- EYE candy extraodinare, plus the care requirements..lots of research/study.
9.Woma- I love the way they sit in your hands. It's a great felling.
10.Hypo Jaguar carpets- those colors knock you on your a** Very cool.

I'm curious as well to peoples lists.
Tonights Lotto winner is.....

:Hello fellow forum members. I am currently running a market research study (of sorts) in the retic forum and the burm forum, trying to get a better idea on which morphs or species are more popular, favored or desired in an attempt to try to better balance the future market by not breeding what isn't in demand,.. and by breeding more of what IS. Now I would like to do this same study here on all the rest of the python species. There are really too many to list so I'll try to make this simple and ask you one easy question: If you could have any 10 pythons in the world,.... what would they be,... and why? It doesn't matter what species, what morph, or how much they cost. Any 10 pythons,... what are they? (if you have a burm or retic related snake please post it in those forums, thanks)

:Here are mine:

:1. Diamond python. Because they are beautiful and a challenge to breed.
:2. Black headed python. I have a new interest in breeding these.
:3. Woma. I have recently been drawn to the orange phase.
:4. Barneck scrub. I have a recent interest in breeding all Australian species.
:5. Macklots python.
:6. Olive python. Beautiful snakes.
:7. Lesser Rock python. (Natalensis) I want a different rock.
:8. Water python.
:9. Papuan python. }because I just want them.
:10. Savu python.

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