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Help hatching red tegu eggs

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Posted by jeff price on July 02, 2001 at 20:15:33:

I got 32 eggs from one of my reds on 6/24 I've gotten eggs the last 4 years and the same thing happens every year ,they grow & grow until about 1 week from hatching then they die in the egg just before the yoke sack is absorbed. I've used covered shoe boxes with a few holes in the lid to keep the condensation off the eggs and open the top daily to prevent suffication . I've used vermiculite and perlite usually 1 to 1 with water .I built a walk in incubator that's heated with 5-100 watt light bulbs and has a small computer fan running all the time. I have tried 82 to 86 degrees . I suspect the temperature and or humidity needs to be raised or lowered near the end of incubation. Dose anyone out there know what's going on ? I e-mailed a few people last January and appreciated the suggestions. Please post , e-mail or call me with any feed-back!

Thanks in advance,
Jeff Price
714 832-6509

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