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Posted by Jud on April 24, 2003 at 09:20:12:

In Reply to: File size limit??? posted by Jud on April 21, 2003 at 23:38:15:

When I download the pictures, I download them using my HP software where I can edit the photos. The pictures are saved to my hard drive. Then I get on & upload them. Are you guys saying there is a software program out there that I would use a program in addition to or other than the HP software. I appreciate the help, but I'm a little confused. Please bear with me. Another question I have is about my camera. It has three setting for the quality of the pictures. Good, better, & best. I take most of my pictures on the "best" setting which is using around 700-800k. The "good" setting is usually around 50-70k. The "good" setting is very poor resolution, however the owner's manual says that this is the best setting for posting pictures on the internet. The "best" setting is usually for pictures that are being printed. Just viewing the photos on the monitor, there is a big difference between "good" & "best". Any help is greatly appreciated.


:When I upload pictures from my digital camera, I get a message stating I am only allowed a 250k file size limit. When I registered to be able to post photos, I got the free registration. It seems like I recall there being other options where you paid to get a larger file size limit. When I go to the photo gallery section now, it doesn't give me the option of acquiring a large file size. Does anyone have any suggestions? What is the average file size of the pictures that are posted on this forum? Any help is appreciated.


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