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Need some help here please.......

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Posted by chrish on April 23, 2003 at 23:17:22:

In Reply to: Need some help here please....... posted by philip_sallee on April 23, 2003 at 10:06:03:

So when I try to take a 3.2 mp shot of a copper head, it comes out all blurry becuse im to far back, and im not about to get any closer then 2 feet.

You shouldn't have to use macro mode to get a shot of a copperhead (unless you are trying for a head only shot). Try shooting the pic in non macro mode.

You really only need macro mode when you are trying to fill the "frame" with an object the size of a tennis ball or smaller.

A good quality accessory close up lens or teleextender will increase the size of the apparent image. But close up lenses often require you to be closer than the lens by itself. A 2x teleextender will allow you to maintain adequate distance.

As for using digital zoom, remember, digital zoom isn't really zooming, it is just cropping your photo.

Before I would spend any more money, make sure you know the exact limits of your optical zoom, where the highest magnification is (it isn't always at the max or min zoom setting) and what putting the camera in macro mode actually does to that magnification.

I think you can probably get the shots you want with the camera you have.

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