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File size limit???

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Posted by chrish on April 22, 2003 at 08:10:41:

In Reply to: File size limit??? posted by Jud on April 21, 2003 at 23:38:15:

You shouldn't upload pics directly from your digital camera. You need to open them in an image editing program and resize and compress them.

I suggest you resize them to 500 pixels wide (or less - 600*450 is a good size for most screens). Many (most?) people still have their monitor set to 800 x 600 so if you post a 600 pixel wide pic, it will be as wide as their screen. If you post a pic that is wider, it will not all show at once and they will have to scroll to see it.

There are a wide variety of photo editing programs available (some free, some not) which can do this for you. After you get the picture cropped/resized down to a reasonable size, then you have to save it using a compression algorithm such as jpg. Select high compression/small file size (in Photoshop, a setting of 3 is usually fine for the internet).

This Green Watersnake pic is only 53kb at 500 x 333 pixels -

This Osage Copperhead is 500 x 333 as well but is only 22.2kb because it has less colors in it -

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