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Re: Not herps, but two of my favorites all the same!....more

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Posted by clee4560 on April 08, 2003 at 06:48:27:

In Reply to: Not herps, but two of my favorites all the same!....more posted by chrish on April 07, 2003 at 22:50:58:

:I'm surprised you are willing to keep a Protopterus and P. ornatipennis together. Eventually, you will probably just have a fat lungfish.

:Love those primitive fish!

:BTW - have you ever offered crayfish to your lungfish. The lab I worked in had one for years (we now have another). It ate minnows, meat, shrimp etc well, but certainly not with any sense of excitement. One day we threw a live crayfish in there! Holy Toledo, did that excite the lungfish! The battles were great as well, but you can guess who won!

yeah he eats anything he even eats flake food for the feeders.
he cleaned yank of all snails as well. will try crayfish when the ice melts "in michigan" he is a bit of a bully but not to bad if feed. but you are right will need his own tank soon. thanks for input. chris

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