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Posted by Jan Grathwohl on March 31, 2003 at 04:43:12:


I reckon that many of you don't know the above page, but I hope you will find it of some use.

The reason for my writing in this particular forum, is that i have noticed a lot of nice photos in here.

As you might see if you browse the page a bit a lot of genera are missing pictures while others have plenty (thanx to a lot of excellent worldknown herpetologists and photographers)

I was just curious to see if I could get any of you to help me, by letting my get permission to use your photos.

I eg. miss pictures of the genera Porthidium, Cordylus and a lot of other genera.

The pictures im searching for should be taken in a naturalistic setting (nature or natural looking terrarium)...should be sharp (especially the eye) and should of course be owned by the one giving me permission to use it... I don't use pictures for which I don't have permission.

Hope to have some positive feedback on this, or at least to make you aware of this project.

Kind regards

Jan Grathwohl

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