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Posted by gargoyle on February 25, 2003 at 09:25:29:

In Reply to: Need help with picking out a DC posted by GRR on February 25, 2003 at 01:13:50:

: Ok my Scanner just took a nose dive in the trash lol. I am going to catch up with everyone that has Digital Camaras. But I do not have alot of money to throw down 200 to 300 bucks on one. Does anyone know of a DC that costs aroud a 100 bucks or less that could do the job of taking picks of my herps? I really don't need anything fancy but I want good pics. A friend has a DC that he got for 80 but it was the last one they had and it was the display model. They just wanted to get rid off it. I went there and there cheapest costs 210 bucks. If you know of a good brand let me know, thanks.


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