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Bill Love will be on Long Island, NY - April 5th & 6th

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Posted by LI Reptiles on February 24, 2003 at 13:03:01:

I thought this might be of interest to some list members that are in the NY metro area. Bill Love will be the featured speaker at the Long Island Herpetological Society's (LIHS) annual dinner. His talk is titled "Splendid Isolation, Herping Across Madagascar". The dinner will be held Saturday, April 5th at SUNY Farmingdale and is a nice affair. The dinner, held in Knapp Hall, Peachtree Dining Room (park in lots 8 or 9 adjacent to Roosevelt Hall) is open to members and non-members alike. Cost is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. Children 12 and under are $9 and $15 for members and non-members, respectively. Further info, including directions to SUNY Farmingdale, can be found at the LIHS website at:

Bill is a good speaker and his photography is well known. Seating is limited to about 75 but there are still a number of openings. You can get a reservation by emailing the society at

Kathy Love is also coming up to NY and will be the featured speaker at the LIHS monthly meeting the following day (Sunday, April 6th). She will be presenting a discussion on corn snakes, titled "The History of Corn Snake Breeding and its Impact on Modern Herpetoculture". The meeting is free and is open to the public. It is held at the Copaigue Memorial Library and directions are on the website. Bill will of course also be at the meeting for informal discussions.

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