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Re: A Sears lens, eh?

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Posted by sbogill on February 14, 2003 at 22:14:59:

In Reply to: A Sears lens, eh? posted by audri on February 14, 2003 at 19:45:14:

I bought my Sears lens off of eBay. It must be several years old, though it looks like brand new. I think you are right----they don't sell them anymore. I don't think they every actually made them, rather they had them made by a number of manufacturers, such as Tamron and Tokina. I think the lens is great whoever made it or however old it is. The color is outrageous. The multi-coating must be good for comparatively cheap optics (compared to Canon optics for example). The camera I used was a great old vintage Pentax MX fully manual SLR. They don't make 'em like they used to...



:Do they still make them? I have a Sears 80-200 macro lens that's probably 20 years old. Had a Sears SLR to go with it, too...but the foam inside the camera was disintegrating, and was working kinda funny. Oh well.

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