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Any good filters/lens for fuji finepix 3800?

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Posted by boaboy13 on February 12, 2003 at 12:40:33:

Hey all, i got a killer deal on my fuji, my brother inlaw works at radio shack and was able to get 25% off, it was 400 bucks but then after his discount it was 300, but then that week they were haveing 35.00 off on that camera, so it came to $275.00! So i bought it, my old camera (hp photo smart 215) dead after 7,000 pictures and being droped a few times on the trail and a few canoe trips, and got rained on once (was hafe way in a bag) But i love my new fuji, i got a UV filter on it now to protect the lens, but im looking at geting some other filters, im after someting that will work good in macro, and really close shots, and someting that will really bring the detale and color out. Also i looked at some 3X and 4X zoom lens and a wide angle lins, they are like 160 bucks, but would they be forth it? And what does the wide angle lens do? Well thanks alot
If you have any shots with any of these lens/filters post them,
thanks alot for any help

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