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Re: Where to shop?..

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Posted by brad wilson on February 11, 2003 at 15:08:07:

In Reply to: Where to shop?.. posted by sbogill on February 10, 2003 at 09:24:55:

I used to buy all my stuff on line because the local shops charged more. There is a local chain here that sells high and offers no expertise. I used that experience to rationalize buying online.

I've purchased stuff from B&H, Adorama and CameraWorld with no problems at all.

But then I started looking more closely at a well-established local store (Schiller's in St. Louis, MO). Their prices were identical to or not much higher than the aforementioned e-businesses on most *but not all* items.

And they know what they are talking about and are very helpful. Once I dropped a Nikon 300/f4 on its front element, permanentaly wedging the UV filter onto the lens. Until I took it to Schiller's. They had it off in no time. And no charge.

Since then I've bought and traded several Nikon cameras and lenses, purchased an Olympus digital point-and-shoot, along with film and other supplies. It's great knowing that when I buy something from them I have a place to return it if needed, and a place to ask questions and receive competent answers. And they have lots of good used stuff with 30 day guarantees. It gives me every reason to buy local.

If you haven't already, look hard and see if there is that kind of shop in your area.

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