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Re: Care to critique this pic???

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Posted by Bill Moss on February 04, 2003 at 21:56:29:

In Reply to: Care to critique this pic??? posted by markgaj on February 04, 2003 at 16:31:48:

It's really a pretty nice photograph. I think the background color compliments the snake and I think the use of space is pretty good too. The snake is pretty well exposed too.

I have two small nitpicks though (since you asked ;)) In my opinion, the head is too close to the the corner. I would have liked to see it at about the lower left "third" mark. by this I mean divide the picture into three equal sections in both the horizontal and the vertical directions and the lower left third would be the intersection of those two lines. My other nit would be that the wood that the boa is on is too bright to the point of being a distraction. The brightness of the wood draws my attention away from the snake. You might try a more even diffused light source.

Like I said, it's a pretty good picture, don't be put off by my minor criticisms. Keep shooting, that's what it's all about.


:Well, this is the first pic I have managed to take that I feel came out decently. I'd be interested to get some feedback on it. Any suggestions of things I should have done differently? Anything in particular that you like? I'm just a point and shoot kind of photographer but would like to change that. I have no idea if I did anything technically correct or incorrect in this shot so any comments would be appreciated.


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