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Re: Wow

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Posted by thefiradragon on April 17, 2003 at 14:25:21:

In Reply to: Wow posted by mr_phew on April 15, 2003 at 19:52:27:

hey im only a hop skip and a jump from prior lake in burnsville where did u see them?


:Okay, I mentioned in a previous post that I saw a couple of painteds on a log....well, today (Tuesday) I saw 47 painted turtles on my Airborne Express route in Prior Lake, Minnesota. I caught one female and one male. The female was almost 9 inches and the mail was about half of that. The two were leaving a partially dried up pond and heading towards the larger lake that was about 200 yards away. The female was very aggressive and the male wouldn't even bite or open his mouth. I let them be on their merry way and I am sure they appreciate it. lol. I couldn't believe how many turtles were out today. It was mostly sunny and about 75 degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain and only be 45 degrees. Go figure. It's Minnesota. -Phew

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