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Re: It's the hibernation thing - how do they do it?

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Posted by NOLA on April 10, 2003 at 14:24:46:

In Reply to: Re: It's the hibernation thing - how do they do it? posted by nathana on April 10, 2003 at 13:16:47:

:They can come up and down depending on weather. Don't worry about feeding, instead put in some feeder fish and plenty of aquatic plants and let it go. They won't eat much even on warmer days until the weather is stabilizing. Your pond sounds a fine size, just make sure they have a substrate to dig in to, or at least some pot halves making places to get tucked into for hibernation. If your pond doesn't freeze, then you should run the filter all winter, or at least a pump with a waterfall or splash, to create some oxigenation.

I plan on running the filter all year so I dont think there will be a problem with Oxigen and all. So I should take some pot halvs as well so they can tuck in there...I am not going to have a substrate on the bottom....just a liner. What would be the coldest you would let the water get before you pull them out and throw them in the garage or slap a heater in the pond???

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