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Re: NJ permit questions

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Posted by urbanjungles on September 11, 2002 at 21:20:04:

In Reply to: NJ permit questions posted by seaducer9 on September 11, 2002 at 17:38:06:

:Hello all, I am a new member of the NJHS, in fact I sent in payment about 3 hours ago...

: I have never had a permit for animals before, nor ever felt the need to ( won't get into that here), but I am turning over a new leaf, and as a new member of the NJHS I decided to comply. I currently have 2 animals that require permits, a blue and gold macaw, and a leopard gecko. The gecko is rather old, but the bird I got 2 years ago, and have lost all the paper work. I downloaded the app from the site, but am wondering if the state is going to give me a hard time with the permit because I had animals that should have been covered, but weren't. Also with no proof of purchase on a bird, this could get hairy. Has anybody ever dealt with this problem before? I included a letter explaining my situation to the state as well as the birds band number, but if this is going to cause more grief than it is worth maybe i should hold off? Thanks for any help you may or may not give ...
: Drew Z.
:The Peoples Republic of New Jersey


Don't worry about it, you'll be just fine. NJ is very understanding believe it or not, and they shouldn't give you a problem. They generally have a bit of an amnesty mentality where as long as it's not an animal that requres a special permit they won't really bother you.

Welcome to the society, I just recieved your membership application. I hope to meet you soon!

Danny Mendez
President - NJHS

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