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Re: uniformed NJHS

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Posted by A.C. on November 01, 2001 at 00:04:33:

In Reply to: Re: uniformed NJHS posted by Danny on October 31, 2001 at 13:43:21:


Bill isn't bashing Robert. I don't know how you took his post. It looked to me like he was just calling for everyone to get their facts straight before the start preaching to others. Sposato is informed alright, he knows a lot about laws and has a great site, but HE IS at least MISinformed on several issues.

This is not attack on him. We are not trying to "besmirch" him or the society. I think it's great. Heck, if I lived closer to Howell and the society was free or at least cheaper...I would probably join. We are targeting people as a whole who don't know what they are talking about. Hey, everyone makes least those who are human. We were just trying to correct the mis or un informed herpers. Not because I am so smart, and you are so dumb, but because we don't want people going around with their facts out of wack looking stupid to others.

Your best bet in any case is to call Monica. I believe she is the top gal for F&W currently. Forget the offices. She is the final authority as far as I know.
Danny, a friend called her about the corns and she at least made it seem like it would be no hassle to get the ES permit for normal corns as they are mass produced. Indigos are a totally different story

Danny said "I'm not really familiar with who you are but if you are not a member of the herp society and do not contribute how can you stand there and ridecule the president? Until you've walked a mile in his shoes then I don't know if it's a good idea to knock the founder of the only thing Nj herpers have working FOR them."

As far as that goes Danny, to be honest I believe it is somewhat false. I have never been to a meeting, but judging by this board and the cnjhs site, I would say it seems to me at least that Sposato rather roll over than fight against herp restrictions. When I asked him about anaconda legality a while back, he told me that it was ok that anacondas were illegal (totally false) because most people who kept them weren't keeping them properly anyways. What is that?! Sounds like something someone from HSUS would say! And since when was there census on conda keepers and their husbandry in the state on NJ? That just totally turned me off to ever getting involved with the society, at least for the forseeable future.

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