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Caution when letter writing !!

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Posted by Argiope on November 23, 1999 at 13:25:15:

I don't have time to go into detail now, but I wanted to ask everyone
to please think when they are writing letters to sources with bad information.
I recently learned that NIAD is getting a bad reputation in some places because
of a "militant" attitude. I really do not like the sound of this. If you want to
send a letter please visit Melissa Kaplan's page on effective letter writing and ask
someone else to read your letter also. I find it helpful to write, save the message as
draft, and then go back later when I have calmed down to edit and revise the letter.

I know we have all sent letters like this at one time or another, but if you are
representing NIAD please use common sense. Some really active states reply on their
reputation as a peaceful education organization to get free tables at reptile shows. Since
other organizations are charged $25 to $300 per table, we are very lucky that the hosts of these
events are donating tables to our cause. I would hate for that to happen because a few people e-mailed
before they thought about their words.


International NIAD Coordinator

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