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Sounds like a paddletail...

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Posted by fenris on May 11, 2003 at 15:18:16:

In Reply to: Sounds like a paddletail... posted by jennewt on May 11, 2003 at 08:35:48:

i saw a site with newt pictures and thought mine looked just like a japanese fire belly except for his huge tail. what temp do firebelly toads need to be happy?

::do they really have to be cold? i have had my fire belly in 80 degree water for almost a year and he's grown immensly he's a hogg he's about 5-6 inches long with his big paddle tail and has massive (for his size) muscles cording along his whole head down his neck and across his back he also has two thin bright orange lines going down his back. he eats tubifex worms mostly but also gets crickets and full grown king mealworms with the spiky parts cut off. he also eats mosquito-fish from my dads koi pond. i try to feed him every other day but wheather or not i feed him he patroles the entire 55 gallon tank about twice a day invading everyone elses hide-spots and being genrally nosy. mine seems so happy why do they need to be cold?

:From your description, I think you have a paddletail newt, not a regular firebelly. Paddletails are a bit more tolerant of warmer temps, but I would still say that 80F is way too warm for it. Chinese firebellies (the most common kind of petshop newt)rarely reach 5 inches, and they need temps at or below 70F most of the time.


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