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Rough Skin Newt Problem

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Posted by EdK on May 02, 2003 at 09:38:27:

In Reply to: Rough Skin Newt Problem posted by juyeda on May 02, 2003 at 02:01:43:

First off bacteria are pretty much omnipresent in all setups including the damp unbleached paper towel example. If its moist then there is no difference to the bacteria between damp and full aquatic, there is sufficent mositure for Pseudomonas and Aeromonas.
Depending upon the antibiotic; baths may not be the best route for administering the antibiotic as it is often hard to get a theraputic level of antibiotic into the animal. ALso the majority of DIY antibiotics are not useful due to drug resistance.

:In regard to water making it worse, bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila are almost always present in the water and if you do determine you want to use an antibiotic, the water might be a good way to administer it (I've never treated an amphibian infection though). Many bacterial infections are caused by opportunistic bacteria that are exploiting a weakness in the animal's immune system from some other source. So a healthy animal will rarely succumb to infection by the presence of bacteria alone.

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