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Re: raising Ambysomid eggs?

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Posted by TW on April 15, 2003 at 19:05:05:

In Reply to: Re: raising Ambysomid eggs? posted by Dannie on April 14, 2003 at 11:17:34:

Be aware that A.laterale, jeffersonianum and complex are protected in many states. I'd leave the egg masses be & search for A. maculatum eggs to raise...


::I just aquired some salamander eggs, most likely jeffersons or bluespotted, out of a vernal pool where I heard woodfrogs calling. They are assumed to have been layed last night. I need to know how to raise them to metamorphosis. Right now they are being stored in the water they were found in. Is aged tap water ok?
:Spring water is best, and it's the safest. If you must use tap water, I suggest you dechlorinate it first.

::How many can be kept per gallon?
:You really shouldn't keep salamander larvae all together...they are very cannibalistic. Similiar sized larvae can be kept together in small plastic containers. Use your best judgement when choosing the container sizes. I'd put 3-5 larvae in 10x6in container, but that's just me.

::How deep should the water be?
:Several inches should be good...maybe 3-5.

::How often and what should they be fed...are tubifex worms ok?
:Tubifex will probably be too big...start out with daphnia and newly hatched brine shrimp, then work your way up to adult brine shrimp and blackworms (blackworms are healthier).

::Vegitation and filtration?
:Hiding places held reduce stress, and thick vegitation serves as a good one. You can also use rocks. Use a sponge filter.

::I have kept many tadpoles and frog eggs successfully over the years but this is my first attempt at salamanders so I am new to the area. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, can and should they be kept with woodfrog eggs? I have some woodfrog eggs that were found in the same pool and right now they are all being stored together.
:Well...not unless you want the woodfrog tads to be sal larvae food.

:You're welcome.


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