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How long are those guys?...

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Posted by sipedon on March 02, 2003 at 10:44:54:

In Reply to: Feeder Goldfish - pic posted by dfr on February 28, 2003 at 17:28:23:

I currently have a Yellow that was born in 99. I have fed her religousley, kept her enclosure betweem 78-90 degree and keept her in a large 125 gallon aquarium. The results of my effort is a 6.5 foot anaconda. I know this is way dwarfed, so I was wondering how long yours were.

:I don't usually post to this forum, as my watersnakes are 25 to 100 pounds, but I'm a lurker cause it's a great forum. This exception is about goldfish, feeders or small Comets from retail pet stores, wholesalers and shippers. When I was feeding baby Anacondas goldfish, some became sick. I found that the store selling me the goldfish was adding a chemical called Jungle's "Feeder Keeper" to their feeder's water. Merchants suffer large losses in these fish due to crowding and warm water, both causing oxygen starvation. So, they try lots of band-aids to keep them alive. Many of the chemical "fixes" contain a cocktail of ingredients including Formalin!! I wouldn't want my hands in that poison, nor get it into my pets stomachs. As they say, "It's always something."
:My watersnakes, making little snakes, in water. How's that for kinky snake porn?



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