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Re: Watersnake book...

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Posted by michael56 on January 27, 2003 at 15:40:03:

In Reply to: Re: Watersnake book... posted by Pierson on January 27, 2003 at 10:09:08:

You must realize of course that this opens a panacea of possibilities. As in any instituition compromise must be found. Drug use may be overlooked to pacify the "inmates" while weapons are a no-no. Have you no idea of what a frozen snake could do, makes a whack of a shank!
Also there is the "health issue". Can't you foresee the impact of hundreds of sexually active, alcohol drenched teens on those poor ophidians?
And lets not go to (actually lets), the education aspect. Consider where you are. You might in fact learn something from the husbandry of these cold-blooded co-eds. You alter universal physics in such a case since, education is determined by the laws of gravity. You sit, they stand. Knowledge is delivered from "higher" intellects to "lower" IQs.I think Einstein said that. We must always maintain the status-quo. You get to raise snakes, the guy down the hall gets to raise siberian tigers. And then there's the nerd who likes viruses!
If we don't adhere to being reduced to the lowest common denominator, then the irresponsible will not feel as worthy as those that endeavor to improve themselves. Can't have that!
Bottom line: rules are'nt meant to be broken and some are just easier to enforce.
You've now been blessed with a new begining. Life is just getting exciting.

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