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Re: European watersnakes

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Posted by Jan Grathwohl on January 19, 2003 at 16:07:03:

In Reply to: Re: European watersnakes posted by michael56 on January 19, 2003 at 14:51:57:

Hi Michael

Well sounds exciting with your room and the information you provide... look forward to get deeper into this part of the snakehobby.

As for which species I would prefer to work with, i must say that I at the moment have very little preferences... it could of course be very interesting to have some Nerodia species rarely seen in Europe... but on the other hand... almost every Nerodia species is uncommon in Europe... lets find out when i have babies in a few years.


Jan Grathwohl

:Sorry I didn't get back to you right away. I've been busy trying to re-design my "Florida room". At present I use aquariums of appropriate size for each of the water snakes however, I'm considering an open vviarium style with the intent of enhancing and expiditing the cleaning process. My larger nerodia are about 1 to 1.5 metres long and eating two 15 to 20 cm trout at each feeding. The result is like having a flock of birds in each tank! Because I love working with the snakes, I have no problem cleaning daily but with the system now it is very inefficient and time consuming.
:With regard to working towards exchanging Natrix/Nerodia, this is a very exciting prospect. Do you have special interest in a specific species? I know that books often show/describe specimens that are not typical which makes it difficult to appreciate the species as a whole. For example, I have four pictiventris; 2 are beautifully patterned females, 1 rather drab male and 1 very attractive orange-phase male (not albino)!
:Fortuneately, the people on this forum can provide a tremendous range of information regarding species description (we have water snakes ranging over literally millions of square kilometres) with integrades of various sub-species.
: Stay with us,
: Michael
:ps Best of luck with your Helvitica.

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