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Re: nerodia recommendations ?

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Posted by rdgv on November 06, 2002 at 20:01:27:

In Reply to: Re: nerodia recommendations ? posted by rdgv on November 06, 2002 at 19:57:33:

::What Nerodia species does anyone suggest in captivity, when size and attractive color are taken into account ? Other then subsp. of N. clarkii, what are some other small to medium (say 36 inches or less at maturity) watersnakes that you recommend as captives ?

:the northern watersnake can be a very atractive watersnake, Depending on where they are from they can vary alot in color. The northerns from some places in the lake erie area are all grey in color. Ive found some on beaver island michigan that have a jet black background color with copper colored blotches in one area of the island and on another end they are black with olive and brown blotches. It seams that the coloration is some what consistant within localized populations.

the biggest northern Ive ever cought was up there it was a grvid female that was 49 inches in total length. There are some MONSTER water snakes on beaver island. Due to the large amount of food and lack of preditors (great blue heron, racoons etc.) the ones on mainland are considerably smaller most of the time, but you get an idea of how big they can get.

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