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Posted by built4spd13 on May 11, 2003 at 20:56:22:

In Reply to: I need a good hatchling diet for him to gain some wieght posted by Skorpion on May 11, 2003 at 14:43:38:

NO CANNED DOG/CAT FOOD, NO DELI MEAT!!!! Whole prey items only. You said that you had read up on care for your sav. That doesn't seem to be the case due to the ideas that you are coming up with for food and it starving to death. Whole prey only!! Crix, mealworms, pinkies. A day w/out food won't kill the little one unless it's way underfed, unmoistured, and underheated. The best thing compared to the ground turkey would be the chicken gizzards and hearts. Cut them up small enough for small fry to eat then sprinkle the vitamin powder and give it to the little one. The G&H have a higher amount of protien and vitamins compared to the ground turkey breast. When ground they don't slice the fat off the meat either, I only that because family of mine raises chicken and turkeys for Foster Farms.
I have used the diet listed above for over four years and have had great success with it. My monitors eat every other day as adults and everyday as babies. For the babies everyday is bugs except one and on that day they get either the gizzards/hearts or mice.
This is just what I do. But dog/cat food nor deli meats have absolutly no nutrional value for a monitor and can even make them really sick.
Hope all this helps.
Christine :>~

P.S. Visit and buy the book "The Savannah Monitor, The truth about Varanus Exanthumaticus" That will help you tons!

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