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Posted by JT on May 04, 2003 at 14:06:36:

In Reply to: Will a Savana Monitor eat feeder guppies? posted by savana_man on May 04, 2003 at 13:25:26:

That is not a good setup for a savannah monitor. Try reading up on them, there are several sites, care sheets, and books. If it's about money, you might reconcider a monitor as feeding them is not cheap. Also, if the setup is halfway decent, he will outgrow it in a matter of months. You should start building something more suitable for him now. Take the filter back, and use whatever money you were going to buy the tank with and get some 2'x4's, plywood, and some plexi to build your own cage. If for some reason that is not an option, then you are not ready for him. It is a lot easier for your monitor and you (but more important for the monitor) if you have the enclosure setup already with temp gradient before you get the montitor. If anything, at the least fill the whole cage with some dirt that will hold a decent burrow. Get a water dish big enough that if he wants to soak, it can. Then, if for some reason you insist on feeding him guppies (I can't see why, mabey you can tell me), you could just put them in the dish for feeding time, then clean the dish out. I can guarantee he will appreciate the dirt more than water though. -Jeff

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