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very unlikely.

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Posted by thomas davis on May 03, 2003 at 02:47:23:

In Reply to: very unlikely. posted by DeanAlessandrini on May 02, 2003 at 15:51:44:

::Pueblans have a very small range in Mexico...and Mexico has all but completely cut off the legal export of their native herps. It wouldn't makes sense for someone to go looking for them illegaly when they are so easy to get as cb.

:Even if it WERE legal, it would not make sense for anyone to spend time looking for pueblans to sell on the market. There are probably more of these snakes in captivity than their ever has been in the wild...they are easy to breed, and are inexpensive as cb snakes.

,,,,,,Yes thanks,i understand that they are easy to breed and probably are more captive bred than any other snakes well except calikings&corns,,its just this particular pueblan seems to me like a w/c snake,perhaps he is from an abusive home?i dunno? but i will post some pics, some of the scars just look like what kinda scars ya see on w/c's,i aquired him in a trade unfortunately w/no info an where or who he is from> but he eats great and looks great now so i will post some pics and everyone can see what im sayin,,i kinda no its unlikely but it just looks that way to me,,,,,peace thomas

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