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2 Weeks already for annulata...

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Posted by Zach_MexMilk on April 28, 2003 at 18:06:53:

In Reply to: 2 Weeks already for annulata... posted by markg on April 28, 2003 at 11:45:51:

:As explained before, if your snake is a male, it may very well be refusing food due to this being breeding season. If that is the case, don't worry. Two weeks is nothing, and yes, they can lose a little weight. You can try a live pink if you want.. sometimes a live meal will be taken, but I still think you may not have a problem to begin with. This is just a guess due to the timing of the refusal to eat. Mine (the males anyway) always refused food at this time, too.

:Make sure the temps aren't too hot and that everything else is fine. Did you change anything lately in the cage? I would still guess it is due to breeding season, but it doesn't hurt to check things out and keep an open mind. Good luck.

Hey. Thanks again. Sorry if I sound like i am repeating a question. Anyways, I have checked over the tank and nothin is different. My male isnt that large, about 1 foot+. and not too thick, and it is an '02, so i dont think its in breeder mode. But who knows. Ill just relax about. Thanks man-Zach

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